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I feel your deep longing to be a mom. Feelings that call deep down in your bones. And it's so frustrating, isn't it? The right man just hasn't come along yet, and the ticking of your biological clock gets louder every day. The fear that you might never experience motherhood mingles with your fear of facing it alone. Are you wrestling with a swarm of what-ifs each night? Are you agonizing over the possibility of missing out on motherhood, the joy of raising a family, a regret you fear may haunt you if you don’t try?
Let me share a bit of my story. When I turned 42, I found myself still single, without the partner I had hoped to start a family with. So, I chose Solo Motherhood. I realized love could come knocking at ANY age, but motherhood had a ticking clock. So I embraced the journey on my terms, proving that there's more than one path to fulfilling your dreams of creating a family.
IT'S THE MOMENT TO DO WHAT YOU'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF. becoming a mother & starting a family of your own.
Embarking on this journey was by no means a smooth sail. You see, neither IVF nor IUI come with any promises of success. I weathered the heartache of two unsuccessful IUI attempts. Each time, the weight of my disappointment was almost too heavy to bear. Yet, in those moments of profound sorrow, I realised the depth of my desire - to welcome a child into this world, to cherish my future son or daughter, and to nurture a family of my own.
When I was in my early 40s and hadn't met the person I was supposed to be starting a family with, I felt like a huge failure. ONLY WAS IT? I did a lot of soul searching and had to SHIFT MY MINDSET from VICTIM to PIONEER. Your life is not a pre-packaged fairytale ready to be unboxed. Nor should it be. As a Single Mom By Choice, you are redefining the concept of family. You're the rule breaker, the change maker, forging your own path, and in doing so, challenging norms.
The old story often paints Solo or Single Mothers in a negative light, focusing on stereotypes like 'Jobless Single Moms'. But let’s remember the powerhouse women who've not only embraced Solo Motherhood but ARE CRUSHING IT! They are entrepreneurs, visionary leaders, changemakers, artists. I am convinced that Solo Mothers can thrive. I'M LIVING PROOF. And this Program will show you exactly how.
Perhaps you’re feeling drawn to the empowering journey of Solo Motherhood? Maybe you’re not sure whether this is the right path for you? Either way you don't have to do it alone. This Program 'HOW TO BECOME A SOLO MUM & THRIVE' is tailored for you.
I created this Program to offer a map to the women who come after me, to share the guidance and wisdom I've gained on my own journey as a Solo Mother.
And if you decide after having done the Program, that this path isn't for you, that's empowering too. Your journey is yours to shape. Motherhood isn't a one-size-fits-all. It's varied, it's individual, and it's deeply personal. As a woman weighing up the Solo Mom path, you're on the brink of rewriting your own rulebook in the most powerful way. You’ve got this.
The journey of empowerment for a Single Mom By Choice doesn't stop with you. It sends out ripples that reach way beyond your own life. It's your kid/s learning about bravery, grit, and resilience. It's your family and friends being amazed at how strong and adaptable you are. It's society slowly realizing how powerful and valid your chosen path is.
I knew I'd regret not exploring every possibility. I wanted to look back and confidently say I lived with intention and no regrets. Fortunately, IVF worked for me on the first try. Now, I have an amazing son who's THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY LIFE and MY BEST DECISION EVER. I'm beyond thankful every day to be his mom. FOREVER GRATEFUL.
you ready to take a leap of faith?
TAKE THAT LEAP. Society's whispers? Background noise. You've got bigger plans. This Solo Motherhood & Thrive Program supports you every step of the way, ensuring you're prepared mentally, emotionally, and financially. Alone doesn’t mean lonely. Alone means strong.
THINK OF THE ALTERNATIVE. Years down the line, filled with a nagging void of "What if I'd had the courage?" Imagine missing out on the potential love and lessons a child might bring, the laughs, the challenges, the pure, unmatched bond of motherhood. Instead, a life overshadowed by regret and society's timid expectations. That's the cost of hesitation, of letting doubt overshadow desire.
Think hard.
the challenges AND frustrations
the challenges and frustrations
you might currently be facing
ready for your life to change?
Introducing the Program
This Program offers a map to the women who come after me, to share the guidance and wisdom I've gained on my own journey as a Solo Mother. This Program supports you every step of the way, ensuring you're prepared mentally, emotionally, and financially so you can thrive, parenting on your own. Alone doesn’t mean lonely. Alone means strong.
You deeply yearn to be a Mother. You wish for no more disappointing dates or the tick-tock of your biological clock. Instead you want to focus on moving your life forwards and create a family of your own. So now you're contemplating whether Solo Motherhood is the right next step for you. I’ve been there. It’s a DEEPLY PERSONAL HEADSPACE to be in and it's an audacious move. Ultimately the final decision is yours to make.
This program helps prepare you for Solo Motherhood and show you how you can succeed and thrive as a parent, doing it on your own.
why this program works & what it covers
Maybe life's script didn't go as you had hoped or pictured. You're either still waiting for that special someone to start a family with, or you're single again, wishing for a sibling for your child. With each tick of your biological clock, the anxiety that time is slipping away can feel overwhelming. Let's address these fears and explore your options together, you're not in this alone.
“Don't stay in the harbor and miss the greatness of the sea. Just because everyone else is anchored doesn't mean you have to be.”
- joyce Rachelle
This program is all about empowering you to release those lingering old expectations and pivot your mindset from feeling like a victim to becoming a trailblazing pioneer. Perhaps embracing life as a solo mom is the true calling of your soul?
here's where WE DEAL WITH your emotional FEARS AROUND BECOMING a solo mother
We tackle the big, sometimes intimidating questions head-on. Those fears about being single forever, the uncertainties of not having a traditional father figure, and the all-too-real "Will fertility treatment even work for me?" Let's confront these elephants in the room & build confidence as you go.
"Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it."
- Wolfgang von Goethe
this is a deeply personal headspace to be in. I KNOW, I'VE BEEN THERE. it's ALSO an INCREDIBLY audacious move & Ultimately the final decision is yours to make. this program helps you be at peace with whatever THAT decision IS.
“Life Is Either A Daring Adventure Or Nothing At All.”
- Helen Keller
In this section, we dive deep into every facet of blossoming as a solo parent. From managing your career and finances to finding precious 'me-time', as well as transitioning from your earlier social whirl to confidently navigating travel, family, and friends. we've got all bases covered. Everything that truly counts is here.
this program guides you through vital questions, building the confidence you need to face what life throws your way. Together, we'll craft your game plan, ensuring you're ready and prepared FOR SOLO MOTHERHOOD, mentally, emotionally, and financially. It's all about setting you up for success in every aspect of this journey.
Those first five minutes, staring at the pregnancy test reading "I'm Pregnant," was hands down among the best moments of my life. Right there and then, I made a promise to myself to cherish this and every moment of my pregnancy, come what may.
“9 months preparing to fall in love for a lifetime.”
In this part of the program, we focus on embracing solo pregnancy with a mindset that appreciates each moment. We tackle the challenges head-on, providing you with a blueprint to make your pregnancy journey positive, healthy And downright magical. You are going to rock your pregnancy, because why shouldn't you? Get ready to meet your truest love!
“Shit Happens.”
- Dimple Sthankiya
While everyone's buzzing about getting pregnant, the pregnancy, & childbirth, experience has shown me that as a soon-to-be solo parent, it's essential to gear up for your baby's first three months, famously known as the fourth trimester. This period is just as crucial & transformative. let's make sure you're fully prepared for it!
this program prepares you mentally, physically and emotionally for the fourth trimester. We'll help boost your confidence, arming you with tips and tricks to navigate this chapter of motherhood with grace. and yes, let's be real, lots of messy moments too. Ever heard of a poo-nami? There's a reason it's a thing!
“In the end, I am the only one who can give my children a happy mother who loves life. ”
- Janene Wolsey Baadsgaard
Every first-time parent knows that when your baby arrives, life suddenly revolves around this little bundle, often leading you to neglect yourself and feel a bit lost. This is especially true for solo parents. One of the greatest lessons I've learned as a solo mother is the importance of my own fulfilment, happiness, and energy. To be the best mum I can be, I need to take care of myself too. i needed to be my own best friend.
This section focuses on dynamic meditation and neuroscience techniques, helping you find peace within yourself, even amidst friends and family. It's natural to feel lonely and miss the social parts of your life in the first few years, even IF YOU HAVE a full-time nanny. Embrace this transformative period and cherish these moments, because it's true when they say, the days may be long, but the years fly by.
Redefine. Break free. Your path. Your rules. Carving out your own success as a single mother
“I have time for everything I had time for before. I just have an added amazing thing in my life. ”
- January Jones
thriving. It's not a one-size-fits-all. You must tailor it to YOUR desires and YOUR dreams. The question is, what do you want thriving to look like for you AS A SOLO PARENT?
Maybe for you, thriving means laughter echoing in your home, financial freedom, inner peace, adventure, feeling connected to a mommy community, or a BLEND of all these. The beauty lies in your choice. Your success story? You'RE holding the pen. MY approach focuses on tuning your mindset to see rainbows before you see the clouds.
Being a solo parent doesn't mean sacrificing your life goals, desires, career, or dreams. Not at all! Sure, there'll be shifts, especially in the early years, but nourishing your mind, body, and soul is crucial. Stay connected with friends and indulge in activities that inspire you, making you feel beautiful and strong. Remember, you've got this!
“Just because I am a single mother doesn’t mean I cannot be a success”
- Yvonne Kaloki
I employ creative visualization & dynamic meditation techniques to cultivate habits and mindsets focused on you as a woman, fulfilling your dreams and desires. It's absolutely okay to nurture the parts of you that tend to fade into the background when you become a mother. In fact, it's crucial.
“The Best Things in life are free.”
- Luther Vandross
How does this sound?
Get The Blueprint On What It Takes To Thrive Parenting Alone, from pregnancy, finances to the fourth trimester
Picture yourself in the homestretch of pregnancy, your heart full of anticipation as you're about to step into the role of a lifetime: motherhood
Imagine saying goodbye to endless dating games, as you shift your focus to the exciting path of welcoming a new life into yours
Think of that moment when everything feels just right: you're no longer adrift, but anchored in a life filled with new connections and a sense of belonging
MAKE A DECISION: Be Confident And Clear On Whether Or Not To Try Becoming A Solo Mother right now
You'll redefine your story, trading the 'single and childless' tag for 'soon-to-be mom', surrounded by excitement and support
Get ready to channel all that incredible love you hold within into the most rewarding venture yet – caring for your little one or ones
Embrace a future where you've conquered the fear of 'what if', ensuring you'll never be tormented by the regret of not chasing your dream to be a mom
Pre-Order Program Now
Enjoy complete access to this pre-ordered Program from launch date, SUMMER 2025
This Program comes with an ANNUAL BONUS: One live coaching workshop with Dimple
then THIS
then this
PRE-ORDER this Program before SUMMER 2025 launch
Get Access FROM SUMMER 2025
So let's get started!
LIVE LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. You want a family? You don't need the traditional setup. Considering Solo Motherhood? It's a path that feels like your soul's purpose and you yearn to be a parent with every cell in your body. This isn't about societal expectations. It's about your call, your choice.
ACT, DON'T WAIT. Solo Motherhood isn't an alternative. IT'S A STATEMENT. A testament to guts, willpower, and fierce love. If you feel that pull, answer it. Don't get bogged down by "what-ifs." Own your narrative. Own your future.
You deeply yearn to be a Mother. You wish for no more disappointing dates or the tick-tock of your biological clock.
you're in the right place.
Motherhood freebie
Get The Lowdown On The Steps I Took Prior To My IVF Journey In My Early 40s, To Boost My Fertility And Increase My Chances Of A Successful Pregnancy. I Got Pregnant On My First Try And Gave Birth To A Healthy Boy At 43 Years Old. Improve Your Chances Too, With My Easy To Do Rituals Today.
“I'm used to pushing the laws of probability in terms of what I've done in life. I've always managed to do things that are unlikely or improbable."
Natalie imbruglia
welcomed her son, Max after undergoing IVF with a sperm donor at age 44
We understand that managing your expenses can sometimes be challenging, especially when it comes to important investments. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our payment plans, designed with you in mind. Our goal is to make it easier and more affordable for you to access our Programs and Coaching Services.
With our Payment Plans, you can spread the cost into manageable chunks, allowing you to budget without breaking the bank. We know life can be unpredictable, and financial flexibility is crucial. Whether you're looking to upgrade, invest in your future, or simply enjoy what we offer, our payment plans are here to support your goals. We're here to help you achieve your dreams, one affordable payment at a time.
spread the cost with our payment plans
Think about it - society's got this narrative that's hard to shake off. Meet someone, fall in love, get married, have kids - in that order. But you know what? It's high time we threw that rulebook out the window. Who says you need to have a partner to have a kid? Who says you can't have children solo, and still rock it? The truth is, you can - and you should if it's what you truly want.
I've been down this road. I’ve tackled the scary stuff and weathered the doubts - well, for the most part at least. As a parent, solo or otherwise you’re always going through multiple emotions and asking questions of yourself. During my journey, I leaned heavily on a particular lesson from Dr. Wayne Dyer: "If you believe it will work out, you'll see opportunities. If you believe it won't, you will see obstacles."
When I was grappling with the idea of going it alone as a mom, I kept one thought front and center: There is ALWAYS a silver lining. Instead of focusing on not having a partner, I saw it as a chance to take charge, to love and parent my way. Instead of seeing it as a solo adventure filled with challenges, I saw it as an opportunity for me to forge a deeply personal bond with my child.
Sure, becoming a solo mom is no walk in the park, but when you switch up how you view things and truly trust in the power of your own choices, you open up a whole new world of opportunities.
So, you're contemplating the Solo Mom life? Get ready, it's a whirlwind of an adventure. And trust me, it's the most gratifying journey you'll ever undertake. Don't let fear hold you back, because choosing to be a Solo Mom is truly empowering. And at the end of the day, it's about choosing to bring a precious life into this world - a life that will bring you joy and challenges beyond words.
And IF YOU DECIDE THIS PATH ISN'T FOR YOU, THAT'S EMPOWERING TOO. Your journey is yours to shape. Use our Program to move forwards and FINALLY from me to you,
"Ten years ago, as I neared 40, I had it all – a great career, amazing friends, and a loving family. But deep down, in my bones, I longed to be a mum more than anything else in the world. I was determined not to reach 50 with regrets, knowing I hadn't explored every available option."
Whenever I considered pursuing Motherhood Solo, I had real doubts in my mind. The thought of facing IVF or IUI alone seemed daunting. Would fertility treatment even work? And if it did then what would it be like going through pregnancy solo? How would it impact my career and well-being, especially being so socially active? And lurking quietly was the worry, by choosing this path, was I resigning myself to being single forever? Could I handle the emotional and financial responsibilities by myself? Above all, I grappled with a crucial question, was it fair to bring a child into this world without a constant father figure?
Despite my doubts, I chose Solo Motherhood. I braved the challenges of IVF/IUI alone and found strength I didn't know I had. Pregnancy, while solo, became a journey of self-discovery and resilience. And genuinely one of the most magical times in my life. While it did inevitably shift my career and social life, particularly in the first few years, I discovered new ways of seeing and approaching both those things. Financial and emotional planning prepared me for the responsibilities ahead and is something I highly recommend doing before you embark on this journey. It's important to BE REAL with yourself even as you stride forward with hope and determination. I even considered some tougher scenarios around doing it alone and reached out to therapists to get to grips with my feelings and worries which helped me process what I was going through and made me feel incredibly well supported.
Above all, my journey to Solo Motherhood has taught me that love and support aren’t confined within traditional family bounds. My son has several donor siblings, a few of which he's already met and while he may not have a father in the everyday sense, his life brims with affection and positive male role models. Cherished uncles, a doting grandpa, and close family friends collectively fill his days with a spectrum of care, wisdom, and happiness. In this nurturing circle, my child is thriving, enveloped in diverse perspectives and, most importantly, bubbles of love.
Embark on a transformative journey to Solo Motherhood that begins with rewiring your inner dialogue. Have you ever imagined stepping into the role of a Solo Mother, free from societal pressures and self-doubt? I'm here to guide you.
This Program equips you with potent, accessible strategies to dismantle those limiting beliefs and the 'I can't do it' mindset that's been holding you back. It's more attainable than you've ever allowed yourself to believe.
Prepare to part ways with the old narratives that say you need a traditional family setup to be complete. Welcome a new chapter of fulfillment, clarity, and strength as you confidently stride into Solo Motherhood by choice, fully equipped and without an ounce of doubt.
Our Program shines because it's not just about the journey to becoming a parent, it's about crafting a life that doesn't just survive but thrives in the reality of Solo Parenting. While the buzz typically stops after the baby arrives, we propel you forward, equipping you with the mindset to balance a blossoming career, vibrant personal growth, and robust health, all while building financial independence.
We even get you to delve into crafting your unique parenting philosophy, shaping the future as you dream it for yourself and your child.
Solo Parenting with us means steering your ship with full control and clear vision. You get the joy of calling the shots, ensuring that every decision is tailored perfectly to the life you're excited to lead with your child or children at your side.
Take the reins of your story and redefine what it means to be a mother on your own terms. This Program isn't just another 'how-to' guide, it's an immersive experience that prepares you for the role of a lifetime. Expect to create your blueprint for prosperity to ensure you and your child won't just survive, but flourish. Get ready to script your future with precision, passion, and power. Welcome to a Masterclass in Solo Motherhood.
You have to take enough risks in life, this program shouldn’t be one of them. Try the Program once it launches, for 14 days, and if you decide it isn't for you please provide us some feedback on how we can do better and simply tell us you no longer wish to continue with it, and we’ll be happy to refund your entire purchase. We will NOT provide refunds more than 14 days following the date of launch and thereafter, no more than 14 days from date of purchase. Click here for full details.
“It was not a decision I took on a whim, but once I had thought about it – and investigated – I knew it had to happen. Being a mother was too important to me to risk running out of time."
monica cruz
welcomed her daughter antonella after using a sperm donor at age 35
MASTER YOUR MONEY: Bolster your finances with a clear-eyed approach, ensuring you're on solid ground to welcome a child into your life
BEING BODY STRONG, HEART READY: Cultivate a body that's ready for pregnancy and a lifestyle that's charged with energy, preparing you for the ultimate role of a lifetime
BUILD YOUR BACKUP CREW: Build a network of support that celebrates your choice, providing a village for both you and your future child/children
LOVE LIFE ON YOUR TERMS: Get set to pour out all that awesome love to your mini-me and get a whole lot back
THRIVE IN YOUR PRIME: Reinvent the narrative of midlife as your peak era of empowerment, where becoming a Solo Mother is the headline event
DITCH THE DOUBTS & GO FOR IT: It's time to believe you can do this and make the bold move towards Solo Motherhood
pre-order NOW
Why work with Me?
I am a thriving Solo Mother By Choice
I have Successfully Coached 000s Of Women To Go Next Level In Their Lives
I'll Unlock your potential & help you create a life You're pretty damn happy with
I'm On a Mission to Revolutionize the midlife experience for women everywhere
Mark your calendars for SUMMER 2025 for the Quit Alcohol and Solo Motherhood Programs and JAN 2026 for the Digital Launch Academy. That's when we launch our eagerly awaited Programs. You'll get an email on that day with crystal-clear instructions on how to access the program you've pre-purchased. No waiting, no confusion - you can dive right in!
Frequently Asked Questions
Try the Programs once they launch for 14 days, and if you decide it isn't for you simply tell us you no longer wish to continue with it, and we’ll be happy to refund your entire purchase. We will NOT provide refunds more than 14 days following the date of launch, and thereafter, no more than 14 days from date of purchase. Click HERE for more details.